Just launched is a bespoke WordPress website created for Moseley Distribution. The website provides a big step up in how Moseley present themselves online. The new website provides full content management by Moseley staff, and we customised WordPress for power and flexibility. E.g. to create an easy to manage “coaches in stock” section.
Also “lightbox” or “modal” galleries can be set up throughout the various content sections to make the site more visually appealing to the user and better market the stock on sale.
The WordPress custom post type used for coaches allows all relevant feature specs of the different coaches to be edited easily and presented clearly to users looking for a particular coach type. These can be created as needed so that the site is future-proofed for the client.
In addition, each coach item has a spcific enquiry form to provide a sales-focussed next-step for potential customers.
Custom split menus are used to provide a clear navigation of the site also, ensuring the site is explored by interested users.
You can see more of Moseley in our portfolio >
Or visit the Moseley website here > www.moseleydistributors.co.uk
The old website site we replaced…